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Why do Solar Panels need maintenance

A.I. Greenfield
Many solar panel owners underestimate the need for regular maintenance (maintenance). It seems to them that the main thing is to install the system, and in the future you can forget about it. However, this is not the case.
In the article, we will consider why solar panels need maintenance, what it is.

How often do solar panels need to be serviced

The frequency of maintenance depends on the climatic conditions, the level of pollution and the specific characteristics of the system. In general, it is recommended to conduct it at least once a year.
How often do solar panels need to be serviced

What should be done and why

Faulty or incorrectly installed components can pose a danger to both the systems themselves, as well as to the environment and people.
To avoid this, you need to regularly:
  • Clean modules from dust, dirt, bird droppings, and insect debris. Distilled water or alcohol-based products are used for this purpose. You can clean it with a soft sponge or brush. If you do not do this in time, the performance of the module may drop.
  • In winter, clean up the stuck snow. He usually rolls off the panels himself, because they are placed at an angle. But if the snow sticks and does not melt, then you will have to clean it off. A soft brush with a long handle is suitable for this.
  • Fight the shadow. If trees have grown nearby, it is necessary to regularly trim the branches that block the panels. This will help to increase the efficiency of their work, as well as protect them from damage.
  • Check the condition of the fasteners. Sometimes a strong wind can loosen the bolts on which the frame is attached.
  • Evaluate insulation protection. If the wire sheath is defective, it can lead to current leakage or short circuits.
  • Check the inverter for faults: overheating can cause a fire. If the panel lights up, it releases harmful substances such as cadmium telluride, gallium arsenide and phosphorus into the atmosphere. These are potential carcinogens.
  • Check the modules for mechanical damage. Moisture can get into chips and scratches and spoil the solar cells. If the tightness of the chamber is broken, it is better to replace the part.
What should be done and why
When installing the panels, care must be taken to install a surge protection device, which, among other things, will protect against lightning strikes. This will help to save the equipment.
Regular maintenance and replacement of worn components will extend the life of solar panels.
It is advisable that the checks be carried out by specialists who have experience working with such systems. These may be employees of a professional solar module maintenance service or the company's craftsmen who installed the panels.
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