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Advantages and disadvantages of solar panels

A.I. Greenfield
Advantages of solar panels
Solar panels are becoming increasingly attractive to anyone who wants to use clean and environmentally friendly energy. However, many people doubt whether it is worth putting them, whether the benefits exceed the disadvantages. Let's figure it out.

Advantages of solar panels

One of the main advantages of solar panels is that they do not create greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants that harm the environment.
Other advantages:
  1. Profitably. Light radiation is free and endless. Using panels allows you to save on energy bills and even earn income from surpluses that can be sold. For example, a 6.5 kW photovoltaic system with an average capacity of 800 kWh/month is enough for a small family. So, the savings will be up to 90%.
  2. Durable. The average service life is about 20 years. There is a guarantee for the same period.
  3. Maintainable. Individual photo modules can be replaced if they fail.
  4. Eco-friendly. After the end of the service life, the panels can be recycled and profit from disposal.
  5. Universal. Solar panels can be installed almost anywhere where there is access to natural light.
  6. Simply. Maintenance consists in maintaining cleanliness and checking the condition of the system. You can handle most tasks on your own.
Another plus is the silence. The solar panels are completely silent.
Disadvantages of solar panels

Disadvantages of solar panels

The main disadvantage is the price. However, the cost of the panels usually pays for itself within four years. Other disadvantages:
  1. Dependence on the sun. The efficiency of solar panels decreases on cloudy days, in winter.
  2. You need a place to install it. For the installation of large systems, a significant amount of space may be required, as well as roof preparation.
  3. Care. Solar panels need regular maintenance to maintain efficiency. It includes cleaning from dust and dirt, checking the condition of components and repairing if necessary.
  4. Disposal. You will have to get rid of unnecessary modules according to the standards. However, disposal will only be required after many years.
Solar panels help to get clean energy. In addition, production technologies are constantly being improved to make their use even more profitable.
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